Recent Water Damage Posts

Water Damage Restoration Technology: Innovations and Advancements

6/12/2024 (Permalink)

Water damage If your property has suffered water damage, trust the experts at SERVPRO to leverage the latest technology for a swift and thorough restoration proces

In the realm of water damage restoration, staying ahead of the curve is not just advantageous; it's essential. As technology continues to evolve, so too does our ability to effectively mitigate water damage and restore affected properties. At SERVPRO®, we're committed to harnessing the latest innovations in our industry to deliver top-notch service to our customers. Let's delve into some of the groundbreaking advancements shaping the landscape of water damage restoration technology.

Moisture Detection and Monitoring Systems

Accurately assessing the extent of water damage is crucial for devising an effective restoration plan. Traditional methods often relied on visual inspection alone, which could miss hidden pockets of moisture. Today, advanced moisture detection and monitoring systems employ infrared technology and specialized sensors to pinpoint moisture levels behind walls, under floors, and in other hard-to-reach areas. This not only enables more thorough assessments but also ensures that no moisture is left lingering post-restoration.

High-Tech Drying Equipment 

Efficient drying is paramount in preventing further damage and microbial growth. Innovations in drying equipment have revolutionized the restoration process, speeding up drying times while minimizing disruption to the affected property. From desiccant dehumidifiers to high-velocity air movers, these state-of-the-art tools facilitate rapid evaporation and moisture removal, helping to restore properties to their preloss condition promptly.

Data-Driven Solutions

 Technology has empowered restoration professionals with valuable data analytics capabilities. By collecting and analyzing data related to moisture levels, temperature, humidity, and other factors, restoration companies can tailor their approaches to each unique situation. This data-driven approach not only enhances the accuracy of restoration efforts but also enables continuous improvement based on insights gleaned from past projects.

Remote Monitoring and Management

 In today's interconnected world, remote monitoring and management systems have become indispensable tools for water damage restoration professionals. These systems allow technicians to monitor drying progress in real-time, adjust equipment settings remotely, and respond promptly to any deviations or emergencies. By leveraging remote monitoring technology, SERVPRO ensures proactive and efficient restoration processes, even in situations where on-site presence may be limited.

Green Technologies

Sustainability is increasingly becoming a priority across all industries, including water damage restoration. As such, there has been a growing emphasis on eco-friendly restoration solutions. From biodegradable cleaning agents to energy-efficient drying equipment, these green technologies not only reduce environmental impact but also contribute to healthier indoor air quality for occupants.

At SERVPRO, we recognize the importance of embracing technological advancements to deliver superior water damage restoration services. By staying at the forefront of innovation, we remain equipped to tackle even the most challenging restoration projects with efficiency, precision, and care. If your property has suffered water damage, trust the experts at SERVPRO to leverage the latest technology for a swift and thorough restoration process. Contact us today to learn more about our advanced restoration solutions.

Protecting Your Pets from Water Damage-Related Hazards

2/3/2024 (Permalink)

Water damage can pose significant risks to the safety and well-being of our beloved pets. From the immediate dangers of flooding to the long-term effects of mold and toxins, it is essential for pet owners to take proactive measures to protect their furry companions. In this blog post, we will explore ways to safeguard your pets from water damage-related hazards.

Preventing Access to Hazardous Areas

During water damage incidents, certain areas may become dangerous for pets. Keep your pets away from flooded areas, where they could be exposed to contaminated water or electrical hazards. Restrict their access to rooms under restoration or where drying equipment is in use. Temporary barriers or pet gates can help ensure their safety during the restoration process.

Securing Safe Shelter and Comfort

If your home becomes uninhabitable due to water damage, it is crucial to arrange suitable temporary accommodations for your pets. Contact pet-friendly hotels, seek assistance from friends or family, or reach out to local animal shelters that offer temporary boarding. Ensure your pets have access to their familiar bedding, food, water, and any necessary medications during this transition.

Minimizing Stress and Anxiety

Water damage incidents can be stressful for both humans and pets. Keep your pets in a secure and quiet area, away from the chaos of restoration efforts. Provide familiar toys, blankets, and comforting scents to alleviate their anxiety. Maintain their routines as much as possible, including regular feeding times, play, and exercise.

Ensuring Clean and Safe Water

During water damage incidents, the water in your home may become contaminated with bacteria, chemicals, or other harmful substances. Ensure your pets have access to clean and safe drinking water at all times. Avoid using tap water in affected areas, as it may contain contaminants. Provide bottled water or use a water filter system to ensure the water is safe for consumption.

Managing Mold and Allergens

Mold growth is a common issue after water damage incidents, posing risks to both humans and pets. Be vigilant about monitoring for signs of mold and promptly address any growth. Keep your pets away from affected areas during mold remediation processes. Consider using air purifiers with HEPA filters to remove allergens and improve air quality.

Supervising Restoration Professionals

When restoration professionals are working in your home, it is essential to supervise their activities to ensure your pets' safety. Communicate with the restoration team about the presence of pets and ask for clear instructions on how to manage their safety during the restoration process. Keep your pets in a designated safe area, away from potential hazards such as open doors or loose equipment.

Consulting with a Veterinarian if Needed

If you suspect that your pets have been adversely affected by water damage-related hazards, it is crucial to consult with a veterinarian. They can assess any issues that may have arisen from water exposure or mold and provide appropriate treatment. Timely veterinary care can help mitigate potential risk and ensure your pets' well-being.

Protecting your pets from water damage-related hazards requires proactive measures and careful attention to their safety and well-being. By preventing access to hazardous areas, securing safe shelter, ensuring clean water, minimizing stress, and seeking veterinary care if needed, you can safeguard your furry companions and help them navigate through water damage incidents with minimal risks.

After the Flood: Returning Home

10/17/2023 (Permalink)

Green SERVPRO van parked outside. Remember, your safety and the safety of your family should be the top priority after a flood.

After experiencing a flood, it's crucial to prioritize safety and not rush back into your home without proper assessment. Flooding can compromise a home's structural integrity, putting you at risk of accidents or injury if precautions are not taken. This blog post will guide you through the essential steps of checking your home's structural integrity after a flood to ensure a safe return.

Do Not Re-enter Until Given the All-Clear

Before entering your home, make sure you receive the all-clear from local authorities or professionals who can assess the safety of the building. Floodwaters can weaken foundations, compromise walls, and create hazardous conditions that may not be immediately apparent.

When entering your home, always wear protective gear to safeguard yourself from potential hazards. This includes waterproof boots, gloves, goggles, and a face mask to protect against contaminants that may be present in floodwater.

Inspect Exterior Walls

Begin your assessment by inspecting the exterior walls of your home. Look for cracks, visible damage, or signs of shifting in the foundation. Pay close attention to areas where water may have accumulated around the base of the house.

Thoroughly examine the interior walls and floors for any signs of damage or shifts. Look for cracks, bulges, or areas where the wall appears to be sagging. Pay attention to uneven floors or areas where there is an unusual amount of moisture or mold.

Assess the Roof Structure

Inspect the roof structure for any visible damage, missing shingles, or other signs of compromise. Look for water stains or sagging areas on the ceiling, as these can indicate water intrusion that may affect the structural integrity of your home.

Inspect Electrical and HVAC Systems

Water can pose serious risks to electrical and HVAC systems. Before turning on any electrical power or your HVAC system, have a professional inspect and assess the components for water damage. Attempting to use compromised systems can lead to electrical shocks or fires.

Exercise caution around stairs, balconies, and other structural elements in your home. These areas may be weakened by the floodwaters and can pose a significant risk if not addressed. If you notice any instability or damage, avoid using those areas until they have been properly evaluated and repaired. If you have any doubts about your home's structural integrity, it is highly recommended to consult with professionals. Engage the services of a structural engineer, a building inspector, or a water damage restoration company to conduct a thorough assessment and provide expert guidance.

Remember, your safety and the safety of your family should be the top priority after a flood. Don't rush the process of returning to your home, and don't hesitate to seek professional help when needed. By conducting a careful inspection of your home's structural integrity, you can ensure a safe and secure living environment as you navigate the post-flood recovery process.

Understanding Floor Warping: Causes, Effects, and Remedies

7/14/2023 (Permalink)

Floor warping can be a concerning issue for homeowners, indicating underlying problems that require attention. In this blog, we will explore what it means when your floors start to warp, including the causes, potential consequences, and effective remedies to address this issue. Understanding floor warping is crucial for early detection and prompt action to prevent further damage to your property.

Causes of Floor Warping

Floor warping can be attributed to various factors. Excessive moisture from leaks, flooding, or high humidity levels can seep into the subfloor, causing the materials to swell and warp. Additionally, extreme temperature changes, especially when combined with moisture, can lead to the expansion and contraction of flooring materials, resulting in warping. Poor installation techniques, such as inadequate acclimation or incorrect subfloor preparation, can also cause the flooring materials to buckle and warp over time.

Effects of Floor Warping

If left unaddressed, floor warping can lead to several negative consequences. Raised or uneven surfaces can create tripping hazards, posing risks to occupants, especially the elderly or young children. Continued floor warping can affect the structural integrity of your property, potentially leading to more significant issues and costly repairs in the future. Moreover, moisture trapped beneath warped floors can create an ideal environment for mold and mildew growth, which can further damage the flooring materials and impact indoor air quality.

Remedies for Floor Warping

When dealing with floor warping, it's crucial to take appropriate remedial measures. First, identify and address the source of the problem, such as water leaks or excessive humidity, to prevent further damage. Consult a reputable flooring or restoration expert to assess the extent of the damage and recommend appropriate repair or replacement options. Ensure that any new flooring installation follows industry best practices, including proper acclimation and subfloor preparation. Regular maintenance, such as prompt cleanup of spills and maintaining optimal humidity levels, can also prevent future warping.

Floor warping is a clear indication of underlying issues that require attention. By understanding the causes, potential effects, and necessary remedies, homeowners can take proactive steps to address floor warping and ensure the long-term durability and safety of their flooring. If you notice any signs of floor warping, it's recommended to seek professional assistance, such as calling our SERVPRO of Alamo Ranch team, promptly for an accurate diagnosis and effective solutions.

3 Most Common Causes Of A Fridge Leak

3/10/2023 (Permalink)

The fridge is one of the most vital appliances in your home. It helps you store and preserve food, keeping it fresh so it lasts longer. But what happens when your fridge starts leaking? There are many different reasons for a refrigerator, and here are 3 of the most common causes.

Why you should be cautious of a leaking fridge

A leaking fridge is not something to take lightly. The damage it can cause to your home and wallet is both severe and expensive.

So what should you do if you discover that your fridge is leaking? If it's a minor leak, you can try resolving the issue on your own. If this doesn't work and the leak continues, consider calling in an expert who can help assess whether or not it needs fixing before buying a new one.

1. Malfunctioning Water Supply Line

If your refrigerator is leaking water, it's possible that the supply line has malfunctioned. This can happen for a number of reasons:

  • The hose may be clogged with sediment from calcium or other minerals in your water supply. You'll need to remove any obstructions and then flush out the line.
  • The hose could have been damaged during installation or by accident. If this is the case, you'll need to replace it.

2. Clogged Defrost Drain

The most common cause of a fridge leak is a clogged defrost drain. The fridge has an internal fan that blows air over the coils to keep them cool, and this process also helps prevent ice buildup on the coils. If your defrost drain is blocked, usually by food debris, it can prevent condensation from escaping your fridge. Instead, the water will pool at the bottom or on the shelve of the appliance.

3. Refrigerator is Placed Unevenly

If your refrigerator is placed unevenly, water can pool underneath the fridge and leak out. This is often a result of uneven floors or the fridge isn't leveled. If you suspect this to be the cause of your leaky fridge, call a professional to fix it before more damage occurs.

Knowing the Cause of the Leak is Important

A refrigerator leak can not only cause damage to the appliance itself but also to the floors and walls around it. Water damage, if not mitigated quickly, can cause extensive damage, even from a small appliance leak.

We hope this article has helped you understand the most common causes of a leaking fridge. If you do find yourself with a leak, don't panic! You may be able to fix it yourself if you know what type of problem it is. However, if your refrigerator is still under warranty or if there are other issues with its functionality then we recommend calling in an expert who can help identify and fix the problem as quickly as possible.

Signs of a leaking pipe in your home

2/14/2023 (Permalink)

A leaking pipe is not only a huge hassle, but it can also be quite expensive to fix. To avoid the added costs of a repair or replacement project after the fact, it's important to know what signs to look for before calling in a plumber.

Look out for puddles of water.

If you see puddles of water around the home, it's likely that you have a leak. However, it's important to determine whether those puddles are caused by evaporation or a leak before calling in a plumber.

Evaporation can cause small amounts of water to collect on surfaces such as concrete and cement floors. This happens when warm air causes water droplets to evaporate into the air without going through their natural cycle.

Sound of rushing water.

If you hear water running or rushing in your home, that could be a sign of a pipe leak. If you hear gurgling sounds coming from pipes and plumbing fixtures throughout the house, it's likely that there is some sort of blockage in the line or pressure buildup caused by excessive use. Leaks can also cause splashing noises as they spill out onto floors or counters below them.

A change in your water bill.

If you notice that your water bill is higher than usual, or if it's lower than usual, this can mean one of two things, either there is something wrong with the plumbing system and water isn't being used efficiently. In order to determine whether or not this is true, check around water meter for running water.

Wall or ceiling damage.

There are a few signs that you can look for if you suspect a leaking pipe in your home. First, look for drywall or plaster damage on the walls and ceiling of your house. You might also notice water stains on these surfaces as well as cracks in the drywall or plaster. If there is an odor coming from somewhere in your home, this could be another sign of trouble with one of your pipes. Look for these signs in your yard to check for leaks in the underground portion of your plumbing.

Look for these signs in your yard to check for leaks in the underground portion of your plumbing.

  • Look for damp spots on the ground. If you see a moist area that looks like it's been there for more than a few days, there could be a leak somewhere underground.
  • Check for signs of mud or dirt build up around the foundation of your home, especially if it's near an area where water tends to pool (like under a porch). This can indicate that water is seeping into an exterior wall and causing damage to internal walls as well as support beams inside your house that are made from wood rather than concrete or brick.

Be alert for these key signs to catch a problem with your pipes early. It's important to note that not every leak will cause damage to your home or property, but it is best to address them as soon as possible. If you do find evidence of a leaky pipe, contact a professional plumber immediately!

Draining a Flooded Basement

11/9/2022 (Permalink)

Taking Care of a Flooded Basement

A flooded basement can ruin your property. Luckily, it is possible to dry out a flooded basement. If you're prepared for the job and know what to do—along with what not to do—you'll be able to stop the flooding and restore your home as soon as possible.

What Should I Do First If My Basement Floods?

If you have a flooded basement, the first thing you should do is shut off any power sources that may be connected to it. This includes shutting off water valves if you have them in your basement and making sure there are no gas pipes or appliances that can be damaged by a flood.

Next, determine the source of the water (if it was caused by heavy rain or stormwater). If your home has been affected by flooding due to heavy rains or storm drains clogging up with leaves and debris, this will need to be addressed before you can begin cleaning up or hire professionals who specialize in water removal from flooded basements.

1. Pump water out of the basement as soon as possible.

In order to prevent mold growth and other damage, it is important to remove standing water from your basement as soon as possible after it has been flooded. You should use a sump pump or dehumidifier with a pump attachment (available at home improvement stores) to remove any standing water that may be present in your basement. A dehumidifier also helps keep humidity levels low so that mold does not grow on drywall or other surfaces exposed to moisture in your home or business.

Sump pumps are designed specifically for these types of situations: they're made for pumping large amounts of water out of basements because they can handle much more than just what would be coming out of an average sink drainpipe! These devices are fairly inexpensive and easy to install; there aren't many reasons why anyone wouldn't want one installed by their local plumber if they live somewhere prone to flooding during heavy rainstorms or winter thaws.

A wet/dry vacuum is a good tool for sucking up water from your basement. It can also be used to clean up drywall dust, wood shavings, and any other small particulates that are on the floor. If you have a large area of dampness or standing water, consider renting a pump-out system that will remove all the water from your home.

2. Don't run electrical equipment in pooling water.

Don't run electrical equipment in standing water. If you are using a generator to power your home's essential systems during the flood, do not use it in standing water. The National Electrical Code prohibits this practice because of the risk of electrocution from submerged and exposed wires.

3. Start this process as soon as possible to prevent mold from growing.

After taking care of any potential leaks, you can begin draining your basement by removing any furniture or appliances that are in contact with dampness—and anything else that could be affected by standing water if left for too long (for example books, papers). This will make things easier when it comes time to clean up after yourself! You will want to start the process as soon as possible. This will help prevent mold growth and secondary water damage. 

4. Contact a professional for proper cleanup.

If you're in a situation where you need to dry out your basement and remove any standing water, it's important that you contact a professional such as SERVPRO of Alamo Ranch for help.

They will be able to drain the water and make sure it doesn't remain inside the basement. They'll also remove any wet items from the basement, including furniture and carpeting. This is critical because mold can grow on these materials if they aren't dried properly. In addition, professional help will ensure that your belongings are safe while they're being cleaned up after a flood.

If you follow these steps, you can help prevent further damage to your San Antonio basement. If you need more information on how to deal with a flooded basement, contact a professional.

Restoration 101: Identifying and Repairing Damage-Prone Spots After Heavy Rain

5/10/2022 (Permalink)

Blue tarp secured to a flat roof Blue tarp secured to a flat roof

While storms may be exciting to watch, their high winds and torrential rainfall can cause severe damage to homes and businesses. There are several things for restoration contractors to look out for following a heavy rain, such as;

Roof or Awning damage: when heavy rains or storms occur, things like branches, small rocks and other debris can damage your roof, even if the storm is not very severe.

Water and mold damage: When there’s a heavy storm, if your home is not secured adequately against the rain, then water can infiltrate and damage your home even if the standing water recedes after the initial storm. Damp floors and walls can lead to mold and mildew. Keep an eye out for any water entering your home during or after a storm.

Clogged drainage systems outside the property: With heavy rains and high winds come a lot of debris scattered about. This debris, usually leaves, branches and other small minutia, can and will get stuck in drainage ditches and sewer lines on your property. This can be especially tricky, because if you have another loss, it might not be something that you immediately think to check.

The crew at SERVPRO of Alamo Ranch is experienced, intuitive, and expertly trained on everything to watch out for after a storm. Call SERVPRO of Alamo Ranch at 210-670-9591 to assist with any water related damage!

What is the IICRC?

2/13/2022 (Permalink)

WE at SERVPRO of Alamo Ranch are an IICRC certified firm. We use the term IICRC in reference to a host of certifications, so who is the IICRC?

The IICRC is the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification, a non-profit organization for the cleaning and restoration industry.

The IICRC is managed by its Board of Directors which is comprised of 15 industry leaders elected by the IICRC's Shareholders. The Board of Directors function is to represent the various interests of the Registrants while leading the direction of the organization. The Board of Directors meet four times a year and is tasked with the responsibility of helping shape future policies of the organization and uphold the standards that help shape the industry. The following are theValues of the organization.

* Respect- We will treat everyone we encounter in our interactions through the IICRC in the same manner we would wish to be treated.

* Responsible- We will work to assure that the obligations and stated goals of the IICRC are met in a timely fashion.

* Integrity- We will establish and maintain a culture characterizedby honesty, high values and exceptional standards of conduct.

* Excellence- We will accept nothing less than the best in leadership, quality and service.

* Expert- We will continue to build the IICRC's reputation as the leading authority and source of professional knowledge in the industry.

SERVPRO of Alamo Ranch 210-670-9591


When Water Damage Strikes

2/10/2022 (Permalink)

The first 24 hours following a water loss are the most important in preventing secondary or permanent damage. Within 4 hours of receiving a loss notification, SERVPRO® of Alamo Ranch will be on site to help ensure a water damage is handled by completing the following steps.


SERVPRO® of Alamo Ranch will inspect affected areas to determine the extent of water damage and will review the inspection with you to answer any questions before beginning the work.

Emergency Services:

SERVPRO® of Alamo Ranch professionals will take steps to help protect your home or business, as well as personal property and other contents, from further damage by extracting the excess water and preparing the area for drying. They will explainthe needed emergency services to you step-by-step.


To help ensure your home or business and belongings are dried to appropriate industry standards, SERVPRO® of Alamo Ranch will monitor the drying process. The updates will be consistently communicated with you.

Restoration Services:

SERVPRO® of Alamo Ranch will repair structural materials, reinstall carpets, and clean affected areas of your property and contents. A final walk-through of the jobsite will be conducted with you to help ensure the property was returned o its preloss condition.

When water damage threatens to take over your life, contact the professionals of SERVPRO® of Alamo Ranch at 210-670-9591.

Source: Restoration Newsline Volume 31, Issue 2

Winter Weather Worries: Frozen Pipes

2/9/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Alamo Ranch would like to keep you aware of the possibilities of freezing conditions in San Antonio and the possibility of frozen pipes. Frozen pipes are often those exposed to the cold weather, such as those outside your home, or in cold areas such as basements, attics, garages, or kitchen cabinets.

A frozen pipe can burst at the point where the ice blockage inside the pipe is located, but typically the rupture is caused by the backflow pressure between the water source and the blockage. A burst pipe can cause considerable damage to your property if not addressed quickly.

To prevent pipes from freezing, here are a few steps you can take according to The American Red Cross:

*Be sure to completely drain water from swimming pools and sprinkler lines, as well as outside hoses.

*Open kitchen cabinets to let warm air circulate near the plumbing.

*When the weather is extremely cold, let water drip from the faucets that may come from exposed pipes.

*Keep your heat set to the same temperature both day and night.


How to Deal With Water Damage

1/19/2022 (Permalink)

Tips for Dealing with Water Damage

Water damage can happen at any time, anywhere. It might be as a result of a pipe break, a supply line break, or because of a flood. Either way, it's going to result in a lot of water. How a homeowner or business owner deals with the water is of the utmost importance.

Water in a home or water in a business needs to be taken care of as soon as possible. Otherwise, the water is going to damage materials, cause wood rot, and even lead to mold.

Following a few tips will help with restoration when there has been water in a home or water in a business.

Mitigate the Damage

Mitigation is one of the most important aspects of a flood, pipe break, or supply line break. It might not be possible to stop the water in a home or water in a business from coming in. However, it is possible to focus on mitigation so that the problem doesn't get any worse.

Furniture and other items should be moved to higher ground. Water cleanup should also be a focus so as not to let the water continue to damage items. A flooded home is filled with problems and the goal should be to reduce the problems from ever occurring.

With a restoration company called, water damage will be minimized. They know how to focus on mitigation so that water in a home or water in a business is addressed properly. Otherwise, there could be a lot of flood damage that costs both time and money to fix.

Find the Cause of the Problem

Any time that there is water in a home or business, it's important to find out where it's coming from. It might be as a result of a flood caused by a storm. However, a flooded home can also occur as a result of a pipe break or a supply line break. If it is a plumbing problem, then it's critical that the fix is handled quickly.

If a supply line break or pipe break isn't addressed quickly enough, the water damage could enter other parts of the home or business. No amount of drying will be able to prevent wood rot, mold, and other issues that occur as a result of flood damage.

Dry Everything

Drying is part of the mitigation process. A lot of drying will be needed for the furniture, flooring, drywall, and everything else. A restoration company will have the advanced equipment to sense if there is still water behind the walls, inside the flooding, and elsewhere. It's what will help with water cleanup. Otherwise, if some areas of a flooded home or business are missed and water cleanup doesn't get to those areas, the water damage can be permanent.

There are going to be some instances where drying doesn't work. The water cleanup will only go so far to take care of flood damage. Some areas of a flooded home might need to be discarded. For example, if carpeting has been waterlogged for too long, the answer to the flood damage is to discard the carpet.

Start the Restoration Process

Any home or business that experiences water damage needs to make the call to a restoration company. It will make it easier to create a plan for restoration regarding all areas of the property. There might be the need to repair counters, ceilings, and flooring. Drywall might need to be patched.

Restoration is not something that should be done without the help of a professional. It's a matter of finding a restoration company that specializes in water cleanup to ensure that the job is done right.

Visit for more information on water damage.